- Multi-Moby newsletter 1 (May 2021)
- E-VOLVE newsletter 6 (Dec 2021)
- This is the first E-VOLVE newsletter which includes Multi-Moby
- E-VOLVE newsletter 7 (May 2022)
- E-VOLVE newsletter 8 (Apr 2023)
- E-VOLVE newsletter 9 (Jun 2023)
- E-VOLVE newsletter 10 (Jul 2023)
- E-VOLVE newsletter 11 (Aug 2023)
- E-VOLVE newsletter 12 (Oct 2023)
- E-VOLVE newsletter 13 (Dec 2023)
Public deliverable reports
TRA 2022 unpublished conference paper
- K. M. So, G. Tavolo, D. Tavernini, M. Grosso, S. Pozzato, P. Perlo and A. Sorniotti, “Novel pre-emptive control solutions for V2X connected electric vehicles,” Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022.
- Paper was accepted and presented at TRA 2022, but remains unpublished. Therefore, it is uploaded here and made available for everyone to download.
- K. M. So, G. Tavolo, D. Tavernini, M. Grosso, S. Pozzato, P. Perlo and A. Sorniotti, “Novel pre-emptive control solutions for V2X connected electric vehicles,” Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022.

- Video introducing the Multi-Moby vehicles (May 2022)

- The EGVI Project Portfolio 2018 - 2020 (Oct 2021)